
The Power of Persistence


The route to success in business is not just about doing what you love and enjoy. Like an Olympic athlete it requires resolution, determination and endurance to succeed. As well as a willingness to take risks, a commitment to consistent actions and most importantly the persistence to keep going.

Sadly, I’ve seen many entrepreneurs give up too soon, having become discouraged and disheartened by challenges and setbacks. They feel exhausted and disillusioned by the time and effort required to build and grow a profitable business.

Whether you are just starting out or have been in business a number of years it’s inevitable that there will be things that don’t work out and failures along the way – a workshop doesn’t sell, your product bombs or you face a string of rejections.

But by developing the habit of persistence in your business you will learn from your mistakes, take action and turn that important corner.

So how do you develop the power of persistence in your business?

1. Keep your future goals and dreams in mind at all times so that you are in touch with the bigger picture. Having that vision of what you will experience and how you’ll feel when you’ve achieved your dreams will help you focus on the day to day actions you must take to reach your targets.

2. Avoid comparison with others, or if you do, be aware that they too have had to put in the hours and the hard work to achieve their success. If it is possible for them, let that inspire you to keep going against the odds. As Julie Benz, an American actress, said, ‘Everyone else trains just as hard as well and that there really is no such a thing as overnight success.’

3. Be prepared to adjust your approach or strategy rather than giving up completely. Sometimes a small tweak to your marketing copy or just one more phone call could make the difference in selling your product or service

4. Having the right attitude will keep you motivated and encouraged to carry on. We are all prey to negative thoughts and beliefs which can lead to worry, anxiety and stress, but overly focusing on what’s wrong or ‘catastrophising’ about future events which haven’t yet happened leads to restricted and fear based behaviours. Successful people are willing to move out of their comfort zone and take risks to achieve their goals.

5. Seek out support, particularly if you are solo entrepreneur or small business owner. It can sometimes be a lonely existence when you are making all the decisions. Surrounding yourself with positive like-minded folk or hiring a coach or mentor who acts as an advisor or sounding board will help you see the potential and opportunities in every situation that you encounter.

Ultimately persistence and perseverance will help you overcome those obstacles to success… ‘A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.’ (Elbert Hubbard)

And just imagine that sense of achievement when you… publish your book or land that longed for contract!

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