


When I’m stressed I reach for these…

    Many of us are experiencing increasingly busy and stressful lives leading to overwhelm, worry, anxiety and sleepless nights.   Overtime if stress becomes chronic it can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing, potentially resulting in tiredness and overwhelm, depression, back pain, fatigue, digestive issues, headaches and more.  If you are a business owner you will know how important it is to look after your health and wellbeing.   Essential oils are an excellent support for effectively reprogramming the stress[...]


10 steps to overcome overwhelm

  "In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale." Martha Beck As a business owner or solo professional you'll know that there are many things that need your attention... and it's easy to get very distracted, very busy and probably, eventually very exhausted. When you begin to wonder "how will I cope?", then it's time to take steps to overcome the overwhelm.. [...]