
A Simple Way to Achieve More


Many of us want to do more, have more and become more.


Yet, I know how frustrating it can be when despite all your desires and intentions it feels like nothing much has changed.  Why is it that some people reach their goals in 6 months while the rest of us take years?


There may be various reasons such as knowledge, experience, connections and confidence.


But there is one simple method that can help you achieve more over time and that’s ….routine!  Over the past year I’ve been slowly adopting different routines and I’m finding I am showing up with greater self awareness, better health, energy and focus.


Having a routine doesn’t sound very exciting but it’s like putting money into your savings accounts, it soon compounds and then reaches a tipping point… if you take regular action.  Eventually over time, from what might feel like a slow start, suddenly everything really begins to take off.


And a routine doesn’t have to be boring.  You can add in or change things around to stay engaged and interested.  The important thing is to be consistent and repeat daily.


Here are just some of the benefits….


A morning routine, which might include meditation, exercise, affirmations, listening to or reading personal development books and planning your day, will create clarity, focus and energy for the day ahead despite any challenges.  Hal Elrod who has written the book The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits that will Transform your Life before 8 am, claims to have turned his life around through adopting a morning routine.


A daily routine of connecting or reconnecting with clients, working on income producing activities, posting on social media, checking in with your finances, adding value. sharing information or sending a thank you note will help you build a sustainable business.


An evening routine of journaling, self-care and relaxation will re-balance you after a busy day, help alleviate stress and give you space to reflect on what’s working or what needs to change.


Although this might sound easy, I know from my own experience that I do run out of time, get distracted or find excuses.  Like any habit it takes commitment before a positive routine becomes, like brushing your teeth, absolutely essential for your overall wellbeing and success.

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