
Influence Matters: Navigating the Power of Persuasion and Impact

Influence isn't just a tool for business leaders or entrepreneurs; it's a skill that can shape the outcome of our everyday interactions. Whether you're leading a team, negotiating a deal, or simply engaging in conversation, mastering the art of influence can profoundly impact your success. And as Colin Powell (American General and Diplomat) once said, "You can have an impact anywhere y[...]


Self-Care Strategies when Life gets busy

In the whirlwind of demands and responsibilities that come with living in a modern world, self-care often takes a backseat. Juggling meetings, deadlines, and personal commitments can leave little time for oneself. However, prioritizing self-care isn't just a luxury; it's essential for maintaining well-being and sustaining long-term success. “Self-care is giving the world the best of[...]


Unlock the Power of Networking: A Guide for Women in Business

In the competitive world of business, networking isn't merely about swapping contact details or engaging in superficial chat at industry gatherings. It's a profound art form that involves forging meaningful relationships, nurturing connections, and seizing opportunities. For women navigating the business world, mastering the intricacies of networking can be transformative, propelling th[...]


Insights into growing your reputation

Whether we like it or not we all have views and opinions about people, products and services.  And in the world of business, reputation is everything. A positive reputation will open doors to opportunities, help grow customer loyalty and give you a competitive advantage. For example, Patagonia, the outdoor clothing company has built a customer base by prioritizing environmental conser[...]


Planning a Values-Based Week

Picture this.... a week where your schedule isn't just a list of tasks, but each day is purposeful, enjoyable and fulfilling! This is the power of planning activities around your values. Recently, I’ve started scheduling my week around my values of health, prosperity, creativity and connection. This means booking my exercise classes in advance, allowing time for photography and ali[...]


Feeling overwhelmed? How to handle Stress at work

A little stress can help us feel energised and focused on getting things done. But long-term stressful situations, especially at work, can impact our physical and mental well-being. ‌ What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress tends to be triggered by something external, while anxiety is a feeling of fear or worry.  The two are closely related as feeling anxious in[...]


Reflections on the value of confidence

Recently, I revisited a development programme, I completed a few years ago, called Feminine Power Mastery.  One of the exercises is about uncovering our old narratives and breaking free from past patterns, to create a new self identity. As I reflected on my early life experiences, I realised how my younger self struggled with confidence, and the ripple effect it had on my life choices.[...]


Transform your habits, transform your business

From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, our actions are governed by habits. Yet these seemingly mundane routines, when they are implemented intentionally, have the power to shape our future success. Charles Duhigg in his book ‘The Power of Habit” explains how habits are formed through cue, routine, and reward.  Recognising our loops is the first step in understanding[...]