
Addressing my addictive digital distraction


Social media has been a great way for me to connect, share and communicate with people around the world and to work with clients who I might never have had the opportunity to meet.  I’m really grateful that this has enabled me to learn more and grow my business internationally.


However I’ve noticed that increasingly I’m becoming more digitally distracted and from conversations with others, it seems I’m not the only one!


There is a definite downside to all this on line activity which is …


~ Feeling that you are busy doing ‘stuff’ on social media sites when in reality a significant amount of time is spent viewing other people’s holiday photos!


~ Anxiety that you are missing out because everyone else seems to be at a more interesting event


~ Fragile self-esteem and confidence because Facebook “friends” all seem happier, more successful and richer!


~ Addictive behaviour which shows up by constantly checking to see if anyone likes your posts!


~ Running out of time and procrastinating on the important projects due to too much time spent web surfing


As I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while here are some ideas I’m implementing to overcome addictive digital distraction….


~ Allocating more time and energy to revenue generating work which is about creating valuable programmes, services and content for my clients


~ Paying attention to the quality rather than quantity of my connections


~ Putting the emphasis on building and growing personal and professional relationships in person rather than on line


~Spending more time on self-discovery.  Creating space through quiet time and meditation to get in touch with what I want to attract into my life and work


~ Putting the focus on others (rather than myself) – how can I provide a better service and do things differently?


~ Working from creativity rather than competition.


~ Being grateful for where I am now and what I’ve achieved – letting go the of ‘compare and despair’ trap


Already this shift, which I am working on daily, feels a more positive and rewarding approach to doing business and most importantly less stressful.


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