
Feelings and emotions matter


Do you love books?  I’m running out of space for all of mine!


This year I made the decision to read more literature rather than personal development and business books.


However, I am reading an interesting book at the moment called Women who Brand by Catherine Kupta.


Having a personal brand has become even more important in a world where social media dominates many of our interactions with others.


Being liked counts a lot these days!


One important concept Catherine writes about is ’emotional branding’ and the role it plays in marketing and sales.


Emotional branding is about connecting with the heart of your clients.


People are attracted to brands they can relate to and where there are perceived similarities in terms of interests, experiences and aspirations.


It doesn’t matter whether you are extroverted or introverted, people will be drawn to you by your particular qualities and the way you express these.


That’s why feminine energy is so potent in creating an emotional connection with your audience and developing your brand.


You can achieve this through…


Self awareness.  When you understand yourself and show up with personality, authenticity and integrity, (being who you are rather than who you think you should be), you’ll be naturally attractive to others.


Vulnerability. When I worked in my corporate role I was so afraid of being vulnerable that I ended up appearing remote and independent.  Somewhere along the way I learned it was a sign of weakness and failure to ask for help.  I expect this is still the situation, for many women and men in large organisations, yet we can relate more easily to someone who has suffered failures.  Being vulnerable is not about being weak.  It’s about sharing any setbacks and difficulties so that others feel you’ll understand their struggles as well – we all have them.


Empathy helps you connect with others emotionally and can build rapport and trust.  When clients feel you understand the issues they are tackling and are able to support them in finding a solution you’ll grow stronger relationships.


Intuition gives you the sense when something is wrong, an insight into a campaign you are about to launch and guidance on a decision you need to make.  It’s a great skill to develop as our gut reactions are usually correct (although we don’t always trust our natural instincts)!


When I’ve ignored this I’ve made costly mistakes.  Now when I’m looking for an answer, particularly if it involves an investment of time, money and energy, I take my time to check out the facts and sense into my inner guidance.


There are many other elements to consider in developing your brand such as your message and your visual appearance.  Being aware of feelings and emotions, however, will give your brand an extra edge in business.



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