
Leaders who thrive value their well-being

Although much has been written about the importance of high vibrations for positive outcomes, it’s not always easy to stay positive when faced with the real-life challenges of day-to-day living.


So, as I was feeling low in energy and motivation recently, I decided to prioritise my emotional and mental wellbeing for the month, and reflect on what works to lift my mood and emotions.


Taking the focus off work for a few weeks has shown me that business isn’t about ‘doing’ more but about ‘being’ more.


We are here to learn and progress at our own pace, and to enjoy life as much as possible.


If you experience any doubt and anxiety about making time for yourself, remember you are worthy, you are capable and you are enough!


It’s OK to switch off, close the computer and take time to replenish you.


Read on for my recommendations for energy boosting activities.


Here are some practices which help me to raise my vibe …


Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. These could be people you know or others who you follow. I realised that I also needed to take responsibility for my own negative thinking and conversations.


Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on appreciation, affirmations, and positive self-talk. I’m training myself to look for the good in situations, however difficult it might be at times, and to shift my perspective when faced with challenges.


Engage in activities you love. Find hobbies or activities that resonate with you and make time for them. Photography and art always give me a much-needed boost and stimulates my creative thinking.


Spend time outdoors in nature, whether it’s taking a walk in the park or sitting in a garden. Nature has a way of grounding and revitalizing us, helping to naturally raise our vibration.


Take extra care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This can include quality sleep, eating nourishing foods, exercising regularly, and making time to rest and relax.


Listen to music that makes you feel good. When I’m working at my desk, I listen to Jazz or the Coastal Grandmother playlist on Spotify, which includes well known, and uplifting songs.


Release any negative emotions, grudges, or frustrations that are holding you back. This can take more time to achieve, but it frees up space and energy, for a better future, by releasing the past. A therapist, coach or trusted friend may be able to help. I’ve worked with many therapists, healers, and coaches over the years, and together with meditation and journaling, gives me time and support to process my emotions.


I would love to know what helps you raise your vibe!




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