
The art of dreaming BIG business dreams


I have yet to meet a business owner or entrepreneur who didn’t start out with a big dream for their business.  Do you recall that sense of excitement and possibility which got you out of bed in the morning and kept you going through all the ups and downs and struggles and triumphs?  You might be experiencing that right now!


Thinking big has the potential to make a difference not only to your life but to the lives of others.  It will encourage and inspire you to begin the process of changing your current situation and creating your future.


Unfortunately for many of us day to day living often gets in the way and we get caught up in the familiar thinking and doing routines which gives us more of the same.


So if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or exhausted it’s time to recapture the art of dreaming big dreams……


  1. Allow yourself the space, without limits, to visualise and imagine the life you want to lead, the business you want to build and the people you want to work with. Write out or draw your vision for three years’ time and think how you’ll feel when you’ve achieved this.  It will engage or re-engage your determination and desire to succeed.


  1. Make time every day to work on your big dream. As Ursula Le Guin, the American Author says, ‘It’s good to have an end to journey toward, but is the journey that matters in the end’.  Just like compound interest taking a small step every day will generate momentum and at some point you will be swept along to ultimate success.  Otherwise another week, month or year passes by and nothing changes.  Disillusionment sets in and it all becomes a bit of a pipe dream.


  1. Let go of excuses such as ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I don’t have enough money’ or ‘I’m not qualified enough’. They just keep you trapped and are probably covering up your fear of taking a risk.  Courage is not the absence of fear, it’s the willingness do what you’re afraid of.


  1. Professor David Schwartz wrote that ‘The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Successful people are not superman.  They just dream big and have belief in themselves to turn their dreams into reality’. If you truly believe you will succeed or fail you’re probably right.  Focus on believing in your ability to achieve your big dreams rather than on your belief that you can’t have it.  And most importantly surround yourself with colleagues, friends and mentors who will keep you accountable and cheer you on every step of the way.

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