
What To Stop Doing Now


Over the past few months I’ve been growing another business and income stream as well as travelling most weeks.  As a solo entrepreneur most of the time (which can be very lonely) I’m really enjoying working with a fabulous team, sharing a common purpose and building on my personal interests.

However, additional responsibilities and opportunities create the potential for overload!

I’ve had to keep asking myself what is really getting in the way of reaching my goals?

Some of the reasons (excuses?) might be existing and new commitments but to succeed it’s not always about taking more action or solving more problems.

Sometimes it’s just knowing what not to do in order to free up money, time and resources and having the courage to say no.

So here are my top 5 things to stop doing now…

1. Doubting your self-worth as it can stop you in your tracks. Low self esteem can hold you back from starting a business, charging what you’re worth or launching a new product/service. We all have special gifts, talents, skills and knowledge to share.  The trick is to take the focus off yourself and start putting all your attention on providing the best service for others who need your help.

“I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision.  It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you.  The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path.  Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that?” Soledad O’Brien

2. Even though we can never know the full story behind other people’s successful businesses or lives, comparing and judging yourself often leads to procrastination and feelings of despair.  The best we can do is use others as a source of inspiration and then do things in our own time frame and in our own unique way.

3. Spending too much time on social media (guilty!).  To get the most from social media it’s vital to plan ahead, be strategic and set boundaries around your activity.  Otherwise it can be a complete waste of valuable time and resource.

4. Hoping and wishing for a miracle! Well I do believe in the power of pray and meditation as it calms the mind and helps create more clarity, but it needs to be backed up with a plan for manifesting.

5. Doing things you don’t like. Over the years I’ve ended up in situations and jobs which in hindsight I wish I’d had the guts to turn down or let go of sooner.  Doing things you don’t like drains your energy and confidence.  Wherever possible find work that engages you, gets you out of bed in the morning and increases your personal vibrancy – then you’ll attract more clients and opportunities.


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