
One of the Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs…


As I’ve always had an interest in healthy living I recently completed a detox and cleanse with essential oils; and found that it has really boosted my energy levels!  If you would like to join me the next one starts on 5 July.  Please email me if you would like the details.

And in support my wellbeing I’ve been making conscious decisions about designing my business around my lifestyle.

As a result, this year, I’ve swapped City life for country living during the summer months.  It has been lovely to wake up surrounded by fields and nature every day!

What I’ve learned is that one of the secrets of successful entrepreneurs is that they have developed a lifestyle which supports them and their work.


By prioritising self-care and healthy lifestyle options you’ll reap the rewards and see a big difference in your business in no time at all.

Here are just some of the benefits …

# 1: You will have more than enough energy for work, family, friends and fun!

# 2: People will want to be around you. Have you ever noticed how some people naturally attract others? We all want to be around confidence, happiness, energy and success.  When you have this others will naturally gravitate towards you

# 3: You are your brand. As an entrepreneur and business owner, you are your brand.  When you have lots of energy it shows – not only in your eyes and skin and general aura, but also in the tone of your voice and the words you choose.

# 4: You will be walking your talk. This is especially true if you are a coach, therapist or service provider – it’s really important that you are living what you teach.

# 5: It gives you time to check in with you. Most of us now lead incredibly busy and demanding lives, with long to-do lists and little space for reflection and contemplation. By integrating a self-care routine into your life on a regular basis, you will give yourself time each week to check in with how you are feeling, how you are doing, what is and isn’t working. This awareness will enable you to make important decisions about next steps in your life.

# 6: It will keep you healthy. Although you may LOVE running your business and you may be incredibly passionate about what you do, there is so much more to life than just working all the time. Rather than delaying health to another day when you have the time, money or space for it – give yourself the end result that you seek now!

Not only that, you will, most importantly, prevent:

#7: Burn out and exhaustion. No one wants to work with an overwhelmed and exhausted business owner.

#8: Frustration and resentment. If you ignore your needs or are in the habit of putting others first you have a recipe for feeling isolated, stuck and like life just ‘isn’t fair’.

By putting self-care first you will feel much more supported and connected to life and in a stronger position to help others.


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