
How I plan for success


Do you get excited about new intentions, goals, or resolutions, but then find life takes over and they become harder to sustain?


Having tried lots of methods, I’ve adopted a new approach to planning, which has boosted my productivity (even when unexpected life events have happened along the way), helped minimise distractions and saved me time….


This is a snapshot of what I do…


When I’m in planning mode I like to play music, diffuse uplifting essential oils and start mapping out my intentions, using these journal prompts…


~ What do I value most and how I can bring more of this into my life?


If, for example, a value is around relationships I might choose a goal to deepen connections with clients and potential business partners.


Knowing this means I’m more excited and committed to taking action.


~ Start with the end in mind. What will my life and business look and feel like in 6 months and one year?


~ And who do I need to become in order to achieve this? This includes my self-image, my mindset, my financial position, and my environment.


~ Once I’m clear on my goals/objectives, what the outcomes will look like and the end date, I make lists of all the steps to take.


~ Finally, I capture everything in the Trello and Notion Apps, which I can easily access and review daily, weekly, and monthly.


~ And then, I add all the tasks to my calendar, with daily reminders.


~ As challenges will show up along the way, it helps to have an accountability partner or coach, for support, motivation, and guidance!



What I’m listening to…


I must admit I’m not a fan of Winter, but I’ve started listening to a fabulous monthly Podcast by Ffern, which brings to life the beauty of this season…..


Ffern creates fragrances that are organic, vegan, and made from the highest quality, sustainably sourced, natural ingredients.


Working with the rhythms of the seasons, it blends, barrel-ages and bottles four unique fragrances a year, released at the equinox and solstice.


What are you planning this year? I would love to support you.




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