
How to shift a scarcity mindset

I guarantee that the scarcity mindset will show up in your business at some stage.  It’s a trap that we all fall into and one that stops us moving forward into our full potential.


A scarcity mindset is understandable because it’s usually based around making decisions which will have an impact on the future.  We are worried about ‘How much will this cost?’ ‘Will this work?’ ‘‘There isn’t enough time, money or resource’, ‘Clients won’t pay me what I’m worth’.  I must have experienced them all!


I think many of us have become accustomed to fear and struggle.  Somehow it feels uncomfortable to allow prosperity and abundance to be easy or easier.


Unfortunately, although a scarcity mindset seems to be keeping us safe, it’s actually limiting our capacity to experience more in every area of our lives and work.


So how do we shift out of this mindset?


Firstly get clear on what is most important to you?  What do you really value? It is easier to make decisions and create from a place of inner knowing.  For me I value my health and wellness, so any decisions I make about time and money is from a place of commitment.  I know that if it’s important for my wellbeing then I will figure out a way to make it happen


Become aware of the language you use.  I’ve heard many business owners talk about the lack of clients or the lack of money to invest.  This just keeps us constricted in our thinking.  Instead, turn this around by asking yourself how can I attract more clients? What are the different ways I can increase revenues or raise funds for further investment? Who can help me to get over this shortfall?  Immediately you create a clearer energy flow.


Are you making excuses!  Excuses are usually about the future and not based on reality.  For example…I don’t have the time to create my website, I don’t have the money to start a business or invest in a development programme.  To overcome excuses, which are in reality self-imposed limitations, notice when you are using them and remember that there are always other options. Because when you use an excuse you’re blocking off any potential creative solutions to getting what you want.


Instead your response may be…I will invest in the programme by saving or allocating money from other resources, I will block off time or ask for help to work on my website/my new business idea.  As Debbie Ford suggested, ‘Make your life an ‘excuse-free’ zone.  It’s very liberating!

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