
Why Habits Matter…

As Jim Rohn said, ‘Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going’

Our habits can affect the way we feel throughout the day and what we achieve.

And yet often we don’t question their impact on our work.

So recently, I’ve been experimenting with changing or introducing new habits into my daily routine and it’s been interesting to see how it’s made a difference to my time and productivity.

One approach is to bring awareness to what you do routinely every day and how it affects you.

What can you do differently or can you add a new habit to an existing routine, (known as habit stacking)?

It can be interesting to see where you can add a little extra to the routines you already have, rather than changing everything all at once.

~ This might mean, for example, listening to a Podcast when you’re having a morning tea or coffee.

~ Or after lunch taking a short walk outside

I now have habits which I track in my monthly habit tracker to see what’s working and what needs to change.

Some examples of these might be…

~ Visioning every morning

~ Taking more steps each day.

~ Starting the day with a short meditation while diffusing or applying essential oils

~ Writing Social Media posts at a certain time or on certain days.

Would you like to change or create new habits?

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