
business coaching for female entrepreneurs


Feelings and emotions matter

  Do you love books?  I'm running out of space for all of mine!   This year I made the decision to read more literature rather than personal development and business books.   However, I am reading an interesting book at the moment called Women who Brand by Catherine Kupta.   Having a personal brand has become even more important in a world where social media dominates many of our interactions with others.   Being liked counts a lot these days!   One important concept Catherine writes about is 'emotion[...]


The power of routine

    Many of us want to do more, have more and become more.   Yet, I know how frustrating it can be when despite all your desires and intentions it feels like nothing much has changed.  Why is it that some people reach their goals in 6 months while the rest of us take years?   There may be various reasons such as knowledge, experience, connections and confidence.  But there is one simple method that will help you achieve more in less time and that’s ….routine!   Having a routine doesn’t sound very exciting bu[...]


What Clients Want…

  Many business owners pour their heart and soul, and possibly their savings, into creating great products and services for their clients. So to continue to attract and retain clients stay focused on these 5 key areas. Clients want... A relationship with you not just a transaction. They want to know that you are a human face, approachable and accessible and if there is an issue or a problem it will get resolved quickly, without any hassle. Having had an infuriating experience recently when a service provider passed me from person to person I know[...]


10 steps to overcome overwhelm

  "In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale." Martha Beck As a business owner or solo professional you'll know that there are many things that need your attention... and it's easy to get very distracted, very busy and probably, eventually very exhausted. When you begin to wonder "how will I cope?", then it's time to take steps to overcome the overwhelm.. [...]


How to shift a scarcity mindset

I guarantee that the scarcity mindset will show up in your business at some stage.  It’s a trap that we all fall into and one that stops us moving forward into our full potential.   A scarcity mindset is understandable because it’s usually based around making decisions which will have an impact on the future.  We are worried about ‘How much will this cost?’ ‘Will this work?’ ‘‘There isn’t enough time, money or resource’, ‘Clients won’t pay me what I’m worth’.  I must have experienced them all!   I think many of[...]


A positive approach to selling!

  Many business owners will admit to having some negative thoughts around selling.  It conjures up images of unwanted calls, pushy sales people and feeling pressure to make a decision to buy.   Unfortunately any self-sabotaging beliefs you hold about the sales process will get in the way of you making a profit in your business; which, of course, you need in order to reinvest and improve your services.   Sadly, businesses that struggle with selling their products and services often fail to maintain a competitive edge and soon start t[...]


Your inner wisdom has the answers

When life is very busy and I'm in full production mode I can quickly lose touch with my inner wisdom, intuition and guidance. As Albert Einstein wrote, 'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift' Everything starts to be about what's going on 'out there' rather than what's happening 'inside'. Sadly, this can lead to quite negative feelings and behaviour - comparing and despairing, exhaustion, complaining, controlling and forcing things to h[...]


The art of dreaming BIG business dreams

  I have yet to meet a business owner or entrepreneur who didn’t start out with a big dream for their business.  Do you recall that sense of excitement and possibility which got you out of bed in the morning and kept you going through all the ups and downs and struggles and triumphs?  You might be experiencing that right now!   Thinking big has the potential to make a difference not only to your life but to the lives of others.  It will encourage and inspire you to begin the process of changing your current situation and creating your futur[...]


Give yourself the best you can….

  My approach to business has always been to work on the inner as well as the outer aspects, because unless you have a good foundation in place (ie physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) it can be a challenge to make wise choices and decisions.   Which is why when I left the grey plastic cubicle of corporate life I vowed that wherever and whenever possible I would give myself the best (without breaking the bank of course!).  Because not only does it enhance your feelings of self-worth, confidence and enjoyment of life and work, it c[...]


This helps me manifest my intentions

    Do you have lots of ideas about what to do in your business but have a hard time making them happen?   One exercise that is working for me has been to set an intention and to write down what I most want to create and manifest - every 90 days.   And not just to commit it to paper but also to share it with my accountability partner.   By tuning into where I feel aligned, while balancing the masculine and feminine energies of taking practical action and trusting my inner knowing, I start the process of creating and[...]