
What Clients Want…


Many business owners pour their heart and soul, and possibly their savings, into creating great products and services for their clients.

So to continue to attract and retain clients stay focused on these 5 key areas.

Clients want…

A relationship with you not just a transaction. They want to know that you are a human face, approachable and accessible and if there is an issue or a problem it will get resolved quickly, without any hassle. Having had an infuriating experience recently when a service provider passed me from person to person I know that we all value being treated as individuals even if you are one of many customers. As small business owners we have much more scope to provide a more personalised and tailored approached for our clients so that they feel valued. Which relates to my next point…

Responsiveness. Today with instant access to technology we all expect immediate acknowledgements and follow ups. If this isn’t always possible then ensure you have a way of managing expectations otherwise people will lose interest fast!

An experience. Unless you are selling a very low price product or service then how you deliver your offer will enhance your client’s experience. Clients often want to buy into the dream or vision. They want to feel excited about the possibilities whether this is a new outfit or a personal coaching session. How could you amp up what you do so that your clients feel positive and enthusiastic about working with you?

To trust that you will deliver on your promises. Most of us will have experienced disappointments in products we’ve bought, events we’ve attended and services that fell short of expectations. My mantra for this situation is whenever possible ‘under promise and over deliver’ so that you build an enviable reputation.

Quick wins. Even if what you do can only really deliver over the longer term clients do want to experience some quick results to show that your service is working; for example – to lose a few pounds in a week, improvement in a skin condition within two weeks, better communication between team members after one training session. What results are you able to demonstrate over the short term, as well as the long term, that you can share with your clients?

As you weave in these extra elements to your offer and you share and communicate your approach with potential clients you’ll begin to stand out from the crowd and create greater interest in your business.


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